
From Augusta's Backyard to Your Backyard
From Augusta's Backyard to Your Backyard
From Augusta's Backyard to Your Backyard
From Augusta's Backyard to Your Backyard
From Augusta's Backyard to Your Backyard
From Augusta's Backyard to Your Backyard

Good Earth is fully stocked YEAR-ROUND with a wide selection of house plants and flowers that we know you’ll love. In the spring and summer you’ll find everything you need to adorn your home, yard, and porches with annuals, perennials, tropicals, and ferns. In autumn you’ll be able to browse through dozens of varieties of heirloom pumpkins in all shapes, sizes, and colors, plus mums, cornstalks, and other festive fall decor. Winter brings rows upon rows of stunning Fraser fir Christmas trees, plus an amazing selection of fresh garland and wreaths.

If you stop by the greenhouse today, you’ll find it full of…basically everything you can think of! You can find our lovely and varied houseplant selection almost year round, but currently we also are FULLY stocked with bedding plants for sun and shade, vegetable and herb plants, annuals and perennials, combination pots and hanging baskets of all sizes, hanging and potted ferns, and tropical plants bursting with color. Tropicals are a great option for gorgeous, low maintenance color all summer long because they thrive in our CSRA heat and humidity. We have the mainstays like mandevilla, hibiscus, dipladenia, but we’ve also brought in some really unique flowering trellises and bushes just for fun! You’ll also find a wonderful variety of herbs and vegetables for your kitchen garden. It’s not too late to plant!

Go ahead and see how green your thumb is! Stop by Good Earth to choose from our wide selection of garden and seasonal plants. Our staff is knowledgeable when it comes to everything garden, so for advice, tips, tricks, and a vast, unique variety to choose from, visit our Greenhouse experts.